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Jai Addison


Tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m an aspiring actor and indie film maker. Love to do impressions and sing where I can, just use the ol’ voice in general. I’ve always had a passion for entertaining and this job provides me with all the experience I can get to practice my chops as an actor and work with not only some of the best party family ever, but great party guests as well!

What do you like doing in your spare time?

In my spare time I make small films, read, draw, y’know, artsy stuff!

Who is your favourite character?

I can give ya three favourite characters: Spider-Man, Batman and the Joker…. Ask for ONE when I can think of it.

What do you love most about entertaining at parties?

I love the look on the kids faces when not only are they having fun, but interacting with what could be their hero’s or idols, fictional as they may be. To bring to life a character for them and have them believe just for that day they got to meet them and party with them is a special thought for me.

Working With Children Check

2106917A-01 (Expiry 03/02/2026)

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